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Hundred years of Party History

2021-11-23 16:50:26

Important discussion

  October 15, 1935

Chen Yun, who was appointed by the CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong and arrived in Moscow on the way from the Long March, made a report at the meeting of the Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee, reporting in detail the relevant situation of the Central Red Army's Long March and Zunyi Meeting. With regard to the long march of the Central Red Army, the report points out that in order to preserve the effective strength of the Red Army, our party withdrew its main force from the Soviet areas in the past, with the aim of establishing new base areas in the vast areas of Western China. To this end, the Chinese party organized the famous and heroic western expedition of the Red Army to advance from Jiangxi to Western China. It took us eight and a half months to join the red Fourth Front Army, traveled more than 10000 miles, crossed the highest mountains in China and more than 20 famous rivers. The Red Army was attacked from the south, West, north, East, sky and water, and fought more than 100 times. After the Zunyi Meeting, the Red Army abandoned the past practice of "straight-line" March and adopted a more flexible way of travel. The Red Army is no longer an army that is constantly attacked and fleeing by the enemy, but has become an effective force that can fight and attack. During the western expedition, we never relaxed our political education for soldiers. Our soldiers have high political consciousness and show a high degree of heroism. The reason why the Red Army is so brave and tenacious is that it has an excellent and strong cadre team. The main backbone of the Red Army grew up in the flames of revolution, enjoyed high prestige among the soldiers, and was a true and loyal communist soldier. They are not only excellent militarists, but also outstanding politicians who implement our party's line. They always proceed from the actual situation and are good at adopting flexible strategies. Because of this, we won such a great victory in the western expedition.

With regard to the Zunyi Meeting correcting the mistakes of "left" military leadership, the report points out that the fourth victory in the second stage of the western expedition was the enlarged Political Bureau meeting held in Zunyi. This Politburo meeting corrected the mistakes made by the military leaders in the final stage of the counter "encirclement and suppression" and the first stage of the western expedition, and established a strong leading group to replace the former leaders. The party's leadership over the army has been strengthened. We replaced the "strategist commanded by pencil" and elected Comrade Mao Zedong as the leader. According to the resolution of the Zunyi Meeting, after listing various mistakes of "left" leadership, the report points out that our party can and is good at leading the civil war flexibly and correctly, and military leaders such as Mao Zedong and Zhu De have matured. The report also points out: of course, our party has made some mistakes, but it has corrected them with its own strength. There will never be a situation like Chen Duxiu, Li Lisan and Qu Qiubai that required the intervention of the Comintern during the period of making mistakes. At present, our party can put forward new tasks under new circumstances.

  October 15, 1955

  Mao Zedong met with the visiting delegation of Japanese parliamentarians to China. In his conversation, he proposed that "countries should manage their own affairs". The conversation pointed out: our two countries have a common problem, that is, one country is pressing on our head. Now our Taiwan has not been liberated. The United States has a long hand. It holds our Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and South Korea. It wants to catch a place as big as Asia. It won't last long after all. This is our place, and the affairs here should be managed by our people. It is a truth that the affairs of all countries should be managed by themselves. The United States manages its own affairs. We don't care about it, but the United States now manages too much. This matter will be solved one day. He also said: Although the social systems between China and Japan are not consistent, this inconsistency does not hinder our mutual respect and friendship. We help each other, exchange needed goods, peace and friendship, cultural exchanges and establish normal diplomatic relations. This talk was included in Volume VI of Mao Zedong's anthologies.

  October 15, 1980

In his speech at the plenary meeting of the defense operations research group held by the general staff of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, when talking about the policy of the future war against aggression, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: I agree with the word "active defense". Active defense itself is not just a defense, there is an attack in defense. Since it is active defense, it itself includes protracted combat.

He talked about the international situation and the building of national defense forces, and pointed out that the international situation is becoming more and more volatile, and the danger of war always exists. But it is possible to buy more time and delay the outbreak of war. Our policy is to try to delay the outbreak of war, which is beneficial to us and in line with the wishes of the vast majority of countries and people in the world. Now we are engaged in the four modernizations, and the goal is to quadruple in 20 years. By the end of this century, the per capita GNP will reach 800 to 1000 US dollars, and we will enter a well-off society. The proportion of military spending in the state budget cannot be increased now. The task of the army itself is to spend the money well. We should study carefully and make careful calculations. We should have the right policies and methods. The main part of this speech, entitled "our strategic policy is active defense" and "we should make careful calculations in national defense construction", was included in Volume III of Deng Xiaoping's military anthology.

  October 15, 2014

xijinping Presided over the Symposium on literature and art work, and stressed that literature and art is the horn of the progress of the times, which can best represent the style of an era and lead the atmosphere of an era. The role of literature and art is irreplaceable in realizing the goals of the "two centenaries" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and literary and art workers have great prospects. From this perspective, the majority of literary and artistic workers should understand the status and role of literature and art, understand their historical mission and responsibility, adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, strive to create more excellent works worthy of the times, carry forward the Chinese spirit, pool Chinese strength, and encourage the people of all ethnic groups to move vigorously towards the future.

He pointed out that to promote the prosperity and development of literature and art, the most fundamental thing is to create and produce excellent works worthy of our great nation and great era. Writers and artists should keep in mind that creation is their central task and work is the foundation of their own life. They should calm down, strive for perfection, engage in creation, and dedicate the best spiritual food to the people. We must take the creation and production of excellent works as the central link of literary and artistic work, and strive to create and produce more excellent works that spread contemporary Chinese values, reflect the spirit of Chinese culture, reflect the aesthetic pursuit of the Chinese people, and organically unify ideology, artistry and appreciation.

He stressed that socialist literature and art, in essence, is the people's literature and art. To reflect the people's aspirations, literature and art must adhere to the fundamental direction of serving the people and socialism. This is a basic requirement put forward by the party for the literary and artistic front, and it is also the key to determine the future and destiny of China's literary and artistic cause. We should regard meeting the people's spiritual and cultural needs as the starting point and foothold of literature and art and literary and artistic work, regard the people as the main body of literary and artistic expression, regard the people as the connoisseurs and judges of literary and artistic aesthetics, and regard serving the people as the bounden duty of literary and artistic workers.

He pointed out that the people are the source of literary and artistic creation. Once they leave the people, literature and art will become a rootless duckweed, a disease-free groan and a soul-free body. Whether we can produce excellent works or not depends on whether we can express for the people, express our feelings for the people and express our feelings for the people. We should learn from the people and life with an open mind, draw nutrition from the people's great practice and rich and colorful life, constantly accumulate life and art, and constantly discover and create beauty. We should always keep the people's well-being and happiness in mind, pour the people's joys and sorrows into our own pen, eulogize the struggling life, depict the most beautiful characters, and strengthen people's vision and confidence in a better life.

He stressed that a good work should not only put social benefits in the first place, but also integrate social and economic benefits. Literature and art should not be slaves to the market and should not be covered with the smell of copper. Excellent literary and artistic works should not only succeed in thought and art, but also be welcomed in the market.

He pointed out that every era has the spirit of every era. Literature and art is the project of casting the soul, and writers and artists are the engineers of the soul. Good literary and artistic works should be like the sunshine in the blue sky and the breeze in spring, which can enlighten the mind, moisten the soul, cultivate life, and eliminate the wind of decadence and depression. The majority of literary and artistic workers should hold high the banner of socialist core values, vividly reflect the socialist core values in literary and artistic creation, and tell people what should be affirmed and praised and what must be opposed and denied with vivid images of works, so as to turn spring breeze into rain and moisten things silently. We should take patriotism as the main theme of literary and artistic creation, guide the people to establish and adhere to a correct outlook on history, nationality, country and culture, and enhance the backbone and foundation of being a Chinese.

He stressed that the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty is the eternal value of literature and art. The highest state of art is to move people's hearts, baptize people's souls, and let people find the beauty of nature, life and soul. We should convey the truth, goodness and beauty through literary and artistic works, convey the values of upward goodness, guide people to enhance their moral judgment and sense of moral honor, and yearn for and pursue a moral, moral and moral life. As long as the Chinese nation pursues the moral realm of truth, goodness and beauty from generation to generation, our nation will always be healthy and hopeful.


  October 15, 2015


xijinping "One belt, one road" construction is based on the principle of sharing and sharing, and carrying forward the spirit of openness, tolerance and mutual learning. We must adhere to the goal of mutual benefit and common development and pursue the aim of "putting people first and benefiting the people".

He stressed that one belt, one road and one party, should be forward-looking and sensible. We should not only climb high and look far, but also be down-to-earth. Climbing high and looking far is to comply with the trend of the times and do a good job in top-level design; To be down-to-earth is to advance in an orderly manner and strive for early harvest. We should not only strengthen dialogue and communication, but also promote strategic docking. One belt, one road, one belt, one road, should be built in close dialogue with the reform and development of different countries. We should not only take the initiative to speak, but also pool the strength of all parties. One belt, one road, one should be actively involved in the "one belt" road construction. The political parties, politicians and politicians should take the initiative to guide, coordinate and organize political power, think tanks, media, industrial and commercial enterprises, and non-governmental organizations to participate in the exchanges and cooperation in all fields in the "one belt and one way" construction framework, and create a good atmosphere of politics, public opinion, commerce and public opinion.

China's "one belt, one road" cooperation is a major part of China's "13th Five-Year plan". China will continue to one belt, one road to good neighborliness, the neighboring countries and the neighboring countries, and to carry out the diplomatic concept of "close to the neighbourhood" and "promote the regional cooperation" through the joint efforts of "one belt and one road". Welcome to take the train of China's development and realize common development.

Review of Party History



On October 15, the opening ceremony of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was held. This is the first dual-purpose railway and highway bridge built on the Yangtze River in China.


From October 15 to 16, Shenzhou V manned spacecraft successfully lifted off and returned safely. The first manned space flight was a complete success. China has become the third country in the world to independently master manned space technology. On September 27, 2008, Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft carried out astronauts' space extravehicular activities, and China became the third country in the world to independently master space extravehicular technology. On June 18 and 24, 2012, Shenzhou 9 manned spacecraft and Tiangong 1 target aircraft successfully conducted automatic rendezvous and docking and astronaut manual rendezvous and docking.


From October 15 to 21, the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held. The report "hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive for a new victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way" adopted by the conference comprehensively expounds the scientific connotation, spiritual essence and fundamental requirements of the scientific outlook on development, and makes it clear that the first essence of the scientific outlook on development is development, the core is people-oriented, the basic requirement is comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable, and the fundamental method is overall consideration. The Congress adopted the constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) and wrote the scientific outlook on development into the party constitution.


From October 15 to 18, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee was held. The plenary session adopted the proposal on formulating the 12th Five Year Plan for national economic and social development.


From October 15 to 18, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee was held. The plenary session adopted the decision on several major issues concerning deepening the reform of the cultural system and promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture, and put forward the strategic task of adhering to the socialist cultural development path with Chinese characteristics and striving to build a socialist cultural power.


xijinping On October 3, 2015, the CPC Central Committee issued the opinions on the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art.

Historical moment


On October 15, 1957, the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was opened to traffic. This is the first dual-purpose railway and highway bridge built on the Yangtze River in China. The picture shows the opening ceremony.



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